31 Ekim 2008 Cuma


Does this small boy really think that toy is real?He seems afraid of it.He is raising both of his hands.He looks like a person who is capitulated by his enemy.The toy is a robot.How is it behaving like that?It points its gun to the child.Poor child!He is looking at the gun but he is trying to do that without being noticed.Is he thinking about what will happen next or what this small thing is doing?It seems like a critical case=)

White Paradise

When I arrived in that village, I was face to face with a house looking forward to a new day.It had stairs outside and there were two balconies.One of them was on the second floor, the other one was on the third floor.And there was an addition of that house near of it on one floor.The house was circled by some trees.The lamps were on as if they were the eyes of that house.Smoke were coming from the chimney very calmly.Snow was everywhere...It surrounded everything even the tiniest branch of a tree.They seemed pleased from that situation.There weren't any foot steps or any other marks on the surface of that white paradise.Although we were in winter and the cold frightened me, the appearance of that village's entry was so relaxing that I wondered other parts of it.I was excited to experience the peaceful life there.

23 Ekim 2008 Perşembe


People have to work hard if they want to get a good position or have a good career.Everybody knows this.And when you ask someone who is successful in the field of his or her job, 'How did you manage to come that position?', you can get the answer of 'I worked hard./I come to that position by working hard.'The sentences can be a bit different but the common point, also the main point, is the same:Working hard is necessary to be successful in life.But I don't think it is the only factor of being successful in our lifes.There must be somethingelse that completes our success.Our destinies can affect it a bit.Having a chance or being lucky is a subdiary factor that enhances our success, I think.If we ahve some bad lucks while doing some works, we may give up.So, to continue our works in a willing way it will be better to have some chances during these hard works.But working hard is much more important than being lucky.


I admire people who do their works orderly!How can they manage to do that?They do the things on time, so they don't need to hurry up or worry about them.Some people don't want to do their duties on scheduled time just for they don't want to do or maybe they have other important things to be done immediately.We don't know!People doing their works in an organized way have a tidy life style.Getting up early is one of their features.After getting up they start to do their works and finish them successfully and obtain satisfaction from doing that.Others prefer doing entertaining things, staying awake until very late hours and going to bed nearly in the morning!So it is very difficult for them to get up.They also feel tired.They start to do their works but can't manage to finish them.Maybe they can be able to do that by working very late at night.And this continues like that...If we don't want to have such kind of difficulties, we try to be an orderly person.


When we ask people where they want to live, in a big city or in countryside, I think the answer wiil be like that:The ones living in big cities may say they wanna to live in countryside, others living in countryside will probably say the opposite of this.Why they react to that question in such a different way?I can say that their answers are these, because they don't know the oyher life we offer them in the question.So they wonder it and think that it is better to live there.They look from their own sides, maybe only see the bad effects of their living places.For a person who lives in a big city life can be too stressful because of crowd, noise, dirtiness, transportation...For they don't experience the life of countryside, they see countryside as a restful place.Contrary to that, people of countryside can say that they don't have enough alternatives to do good things due to the fact that they are far away from the centre of city.When you live in a big city, you can reach whatever you want.In my opinion, it is better to have a house in countryside and live thereBecause you are close to the nature.You can see the beauty of it, feel it.

20 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi

Caring About Our Past

We can't deny this fact that learning about the past helps us not to make serious mistakes repeatedly.There is a proverb saying that "Past sheds light to future".Living in the present doesn't mean forgetting all of the things related to the past.We must learn about our past and make inferences about it.One of the reasons why we do that is to learn how our ancestors reacted to events that occured in the past.Those events may happen in today's world, too.Who can know?That's why we should investigate our past.Another reason for learning our past is to become acknowledged about our culture.When we learn something about it, we can add something different ot it and make our culture richer.Seeing the difficulties our ancestors faced with is one other factor for learning our past.Since if we see those difficulties, we realize the things we have now and possess them more strongly.It is important for leaving these things to new generations...

Having a Pet Must Be a Good Thing!

Having a pet in your house will sound good to you if you like animals.But taking care of them is an important job to deal with.Because they are living creatures and need to be looked after carefully!Pets having such merciful owners are lucky.If you could, try looking after an animal as it will bring advantages to the both sides(animal and owner).Which animal would you prefer if you had a chance to look after it at home?Lovebirds, cats, dogs, fish , hamsters are the mostly chosen ones.It isn't a matter whichone you choose, the important point is what it will bring to have a pet or an owner.These animals can be your friends maybe the most intimate, closest friends!If you live on your own that is inevitable in anyway!Spending time with them can take us from the stress of daily life.It is also benefical for animals to have owners.They can eat when they are hungry, sleep in a hot place.So they can understand the love of their owners..To become a bit relaxed and forget about the things have a pet at your home share life or something with it.

Where Do We Eat?

Do you cook at home?For some people cooking is an enjoyable hobby.They spend their time in the kitchen to make delicious meals.They eat their meals with complacency.They know how they cook it and what they put in it.That is to say when we prepare our meals at home, we can eat it with comfort due to the fact that we know how we prepare it.Of course, our homes aren't the only places where we can eat.There are many restaurants to eat something, but are they healthy enough to eat there?Eating outside can sometimes be necessary or people may want to eat outside to make a difference.In these cases, we have no other choice but to eat in these places.

12 Ekim 2008 Pazar

Face to Face Communication

There are a lot of ways to communicate with people.Telephones, letters, emails and so on...But we often forget one of them.Face to face communication..It is not used very much.And we can't use, either.People are very busy and don't have much time to see their friends or meet with their friends or relatives or neighbours etc.To facilitate the communication we use technological devices instead of face to face communication.Of course when we need it,for example in problematic situations, we should allocate time to it.If only we always had enough time to use that way, but we couldn't.

Studying alone or with a group?Which one do you choose?

Some students prefer to study alone.But is it a right decision?In fact, this situation varies from person to person.For me it is better to study alone.But studying with a group of people can sometimes be profitable.For example in a group, you share your ideas with other people and learn many other things which you don't know.while studying with a group, there may be some discussions.these can help you to learn, too.Because you don't forget the subject that was discussed easily.On the other hand, studying alone helps us to learn many things by ourselves.when we do like that, we repeat the subject many times.So if we do this, we make a permanent learning.

Is METU a nice place?

I have wanted to come metu sincae two years and..now I'm here=)There was a school trip to Ankara two years ago.Most of my classmates joined that trip, but I didn't.My parents didn't let me go.Metu was one of the places which they would visit.After they came back from there, they talked about it so much.They said that they had liked metu very much.After that I thought I must be a student of metu.I did some search about it and learned that it had a lot of advantages.Its campus is also very beautiful.I think its one of the most pretty ones in Turkey and I like it much more than any other things.To sum up I try to be happy here.

Is METU a nice place?