5 Ocak 2009 Pazartesi


When a couple has their first baby, everything changes in their lives.For example, in the past parents need an alarm clock to wake up in the morning, but now the baby makes them wake up=)Instead of spending their evenings watching TV or going out, they now spend their free time in admiring their baby.And their life is also more carefully planned.While they used to go out to see their friends whenever they wanted to, that is no longer possible.If they want to go out without the baby, they must arrange for a babysitter.Unlike the neat and tidy rooms which they had once, the house is full of baby things.Even when they talk to their friends, the difference in the topic of conversation is noticable:It's always about the baby=)

4 Ocak 2009 Pazar


Today, many elderly people in industrialized countries suffer from depression.There are several reasons for this.In the past, most older people lived with or other members of the family, and they usually had some responsibilities around the home.For example, older women could help take care of the children or prepare meals.Older men could help thier sons at work or around the house.These days married children often prefer to live on their own, sometimes far away from their parents.Thus, older people maybe cut off from family ties.They may also feel cut off from the world around them.The many rapid changes that have taken place in technology, entertainment, and travel have led some older people to feel that they do not belong to this world any more.